Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I'm back!

Yes I'm back. Missed me? No of course not! That would be...weird...
I'm in Panama at the moment and plan to stay here for a while. Great place, cosmopolitan, restaurants and hotels on every corner, large buildings, very touristy, fun and cheerful folks, hot ladies (arf!) and low prices :) What more could you ask for right? If there's a problem, it's the language. I don't know who the heck said that English is a second language in Panama..fact is 95% of folks here either don't know English or refuse to speak English. It's Spanish pride I'm guessing or a backlash effect to US insistence on all immigrants to learn English :P In anycase I got to unlearn French and relearn Spanish which is gonna take time. Ah well, it's always good to learn a new'll definately help me get closer to the ladies ;)

Anyways, I'm gonna hit the news trail again and post my baloney thoughts, views, inspirations, and other kool stuff. Nothing much has changed in the Middle East right? Iraq is still trying to find its legs, Iran is pushing everyone's buttons, Israel is facing another bruhaha at the Temple Mount with the Waqf board doing construction work dangerously close to the Temple Mount..the fun never ends in that part of the world. I'll be making some reports on the current issues shortly :)
On a personal note, it's been hell trying to find jobs even though I've got my MA. I'm telling you younger folks out there, get some work experience(volunteer, internships, part time jobs etc). Having a degree is not enough anymore. You need to have professional work experience starting right from your undergrads if you want access to the job market. I'm learning this the hard way so please learn from my mistakes(cause I focused only on school and not on work experience) and get some pro training right now!
Thanks :)

p.s here's a great website with tons of info on Panama

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