Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hi folks,

This is my first entry to my first blog. Heard about blogger a lot but always resisted joining cause I was too web shy. Thought I could share my thoughts a lot better in person. But then I realized nobody wanted to talk to me! :P So anyways, due to a lot of crap that's going on in the world as well as in my brain, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and bore anyone who reads this to death.

What is this blog about you might be wondering. Well at the moment its a whole lot of baloney hence the title. Just a whole bunch of rants, thoughts, and possibly helpful stuff. I guess its just a digital venting space...

Anyways, its just the beginning. Hopefully the blog ends up being better. So for the moment I bid you farewell and leave with this parting message:

"Let's all stay crazy and live the bitchin life!!!"

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