Friday, June 15, 2007

Overweight folks are human too!!!(rant)

Obesity is fast becoming a major medical problem throughout the world. In the US alone, 60% of the population are significantly overweight and the number is set to grow. Our sedentary lifestyle, long work hours and resultant stress, home comforts, and fast food is wreaking havoc on our health and physiques, with long term medical problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, cancers and whatnot.

Naturally, we see an overweight individual and automatically assume they are lazy, disgusting slobs who have no control over their food habits and probably have lousy sex lives. This is plain wrong!!! I have seen several health and fitness forums where anti-fat folks have such hardened attitudes against their overweight counterparts, that it boggles the mind. They spit such violent vitriol, hatred, and treat overweight individuals with such utter disdain and contempt!

I am extremely disgusted by the lack of empathy and deliberate targetting and humuliation of overweight individuals. No one likes being excessively overweight or out of shape. Everyone wishes to be healthy and fit. But many people need help and support in order to achieve their goals, not condemnation!! Food addiction is the main culprit of obesity. Food addiction is no different than drug, cigarrette, or alcohol addiction and in the long term it can be just as deadly! You can't expect someone to just do an about face, give up their unhealthy food habbits and start being active overnight! Oh sure, some people have the will power and dedication to do it, but many don't and it's these people who need the most help! An individual needs a supportive and positive atmosphere to achieve their goals, not a derogatory or negative atmosphere. No one can be forced to change their habbits by threats, insults, or violence. The desire for change must come from that individual him/herself and through positive and helpful encouragement.

That being said, there are a few simple steps people can take to kickstart their path towards a healthier lifestyle.
-Try to get at least an hour's worth of exercise per day. Just one hour is enough to positively change your body.
-Ideally one should do both resistance training and cardio to get max results, but for those who are really pressed for time or want to start slow, a brisk walk is a great way to start the day.
-If you can, do your cardio in the morning on an empty stomach. You burn more fat that way.
-Diet is the most important factor in losing fat. Simply eliminating junk food, sugary snacks, and sodas/alcohol can yield amazing results in a very short time.
-Some folks find it hard to give up their favorite foods. In that case, you can substitute foods!
Instead of eating a burger, have a subway sandwich. Instead of fried foods, go for grilled or roasted foods. If you have a case of the munchies, chow down on fruits and veggies. Simple subsititutions can make life a lot easier and psychologically you feel good.
-For further fat loss, try not to eat anything 2-3 hours before bed time. If you do feel hungry have some water, green veggies, salad, fat free cottage cheese, fat free or skim milk or anything light.
-drink at least a gallon of water every day!

These simple steps can result in many positive benefits and help pave the way for more dedicated dieting and exercise routine. The key is to remain positive, and build up one's determination and willpower. This is about you and your health, nobody else's.

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